(Alpha Needed)A New Wolf, Looking for a New Home..
[I]OOC: crashes in on parachute, 'weee! I joins I joins ^^'

She was slightly less active on traveling whimsically through the territory as she had in the spring/summer/fall seasons. The winter wasn't too bad on her, she was built for it in a way, however, she hated having a cold nose. Coming over the valley like area, the trees more sparse with bushes dotting the land, Adonia detected the new scent, and Rendall's. She found herself feeling slightly hesitate but it was her job to know these things. So in an attempt to not be herself, she put on a 'brave' face and continued forward. Her paws were light, nearly silencing the crunches of snow beneath each step. The hair that jetted out from her paw pads seemed to make her virtually silent no matter what season. Her stealth was by pure accident as she descended upon the two. Her two toned blue eyes looked to the large golden wolf, he seemed to be a magnificent male with a respective attitude. She then looked to Rendall who obviously was on guard with the male. Adonia always approached with a more skittish manner, but with another member already residing and that member on guard she took a more relaxed approach toward him, "Hello Ookami...I'm Adonia Demos...what brings you to Phoenix Valley?" It was odd for her to be so relaxed, and in a way she was making herself nervous. Odd, right? Well after being so confident in her voice she put her ears back almost blushing at herself.

Her glance looked over to Rendall for a moment and gave a slight smile, then her attention went back to Ookami, hoping to catch a small bit of information before calling to the Patriarch. She knew he hated this weather, so the likeliness of him already being outside was a slim one, however, one could never predict him. He wasn't a very predictable being.

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