(Alpha Needed)A New Wolf, Looking for a New Home..
Ookami liked this wolf. She seemed very nice and he wanted to get to know her as well. He smiled at her, he hadn't ever connected with somebody like this before. There never was anyone to connect with, maybe except his mother, but she was so wrapped up in what other people thought about her that the only time she really spent with Ookami was when he was hungry or needed bathing. But in those short amounts of times they would connect. She was a kind wolf but was too worried about what other people think. It annoyed Ookami constantly that she had chosen favorites and spent the most time with them.

He had to hold himself back from growling just at the thought. He tensed up slightly, but tried quickly to relax. He instead thought about how happy he would be if he was accepted into this pack, he had already made a friend that would show him around and spend time with him, and that is all that he had wanted his whole life. The more he thought of spending time with this wolf the more his tail wagged. He grinned slightly when he relized how much it was wagging but did nothing to stop it, he didn't care. He wanted to know he was happy and having a good time during the time he had known her, which had not really been that long.

"Okay.. If.. I get accepted into your pack then I would gladly go with you." He grinned, thinking about being accepted, but he scolded himself too, for getting ahead of himself. "Is there anything I should know about Jefferson that may help me be accepted?"

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