Friends help you move [private]

Table by Jenny. LOVE YOU JIMJAMZ!

The Phoenix Valley Pundit did not know if she should dare to believe her eyes. This Naniko was different than the one she remembered. The last time Geneva had seen her best friend, Naniko had recently given birth to her litter, which included Rio, Lucia, Harlowe, and Caprica. Time had passed since then, and those children were grown and had decided their own paths in life. She hoped that they were well, but she had not been able to look in on them. It had been so long since she had seen that litter.

"Yes, it is me," Geneva said, approaching Naniko without a thought to pack protocol. As she laid eyes on the woman, she noted the differences in her physique. Where she had once been very muscular, she seemed more sinewy. Had the time they spent apart been hard on her? So much had happened since she had seen her best friend.

"I have a son, Pripyat!" Geneva blurted suddenly, the words welling up in her throat and launching themselves into the cold air between the two of them. More subdued, she bit her bottom lip and spoke once more. "Are you staying? Are you well?"


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