In search of friends and firelight
OOC: No problem. It's pretty effective, actually. Smile I like dialects. Oh, and sorry if Nian's thought track gets a little random or babbly.

Nian grinned amiably at the introduction and nodded. "It's nice to meet you too, Theo... doric... Could I call you Theo? Is that all right?" He tried to smile apologetically, but he was afraid it might have come out more like a wince. The Anglo-Saxon syllables came out as a bit of tongue-twister when said quickly, and while he could probably say the name all right in a more formal context, "Theo" just rolled off the tongue faster. He decided to change the subject, just in case the larger wolf took offense.

"So do you have horses, then? He gestured back towards the stables. "Or are you a horse-keeper--whatever it is that the official title is." He made another apologetic face. "In case it wasn't blazingly obvious, I'm pretty new to the tribe too. Still trying to get the rank names sorted out and everything. I haven't even moved into a building yet, but I'm working on that. What about you? What do you do?"

A small voice in the back of his mind told him that he was starting to babble, so he just gave Theodoric a big smile and waited as patiently as he could--which was quite the feat, considering his normal level of curiosity. His mother used to joke that he was part coyote, because when he started talking he had trouble stopping and got 'yippy' when he started talking a little too enthusiastically. Also, he had heard all sorts of stories, some dating all the way back from human times, when coyote characters got in trouble for talking too much. His mom thought the nickname was appropriate; he just thought it was annoying. Recalling this, he restrained himself from asking too many questions.

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