
If you want, you can post once more, and then we wrap? :o Or just ask to have it archived, either way. ^^ Also holy carp longpost. >_> Sorry!

The pale coyote was far more frightened than she was angry; the latter reaction would have been expected from someone with malicious intent. The hybrid's yellow-golden eye searched over her pale body, seeming to take direct interest for the first time. She was young, far younger than Kaena herself, though that was generally the case. Old coyotes did not usually seek new homes. Aside from the youth, the other thing that stood out about this coyote was her paleness -- from a distance, Kaena had expected to find some hue to her fur, there was none, aside from her hair and a few splotches of coal. These were odd shades, though the Centurion did not see any hint of hybrid in the newcomer.

“Good idea,” she said, though she made no move toward the skull or the jawbone. Expectantly, she instead watched as the younger canine moved to untie her bag, producing evidence for her claims. Such a thing the scarred woman was not used to -- it had been a long time she had stalked the borders, but it was a rare show that applicants made a physical show of their talent. Appreciatively, Kaena stepped toward the woman, her remaining eye peering over the brightly-colored items with interest, returning to Saraqael's face when she spoke once again. Though quiet, the hybrid nodded her head a few times. When it would seem the newcomer was finished speaking, a faint smile showed on Kaena's scarred muzzle.

“You have a few different talents, and your skill with plants should be especially handy,” the hybrid said, motioning for the newcomer to come forward and cross the border. She was impressed, but she would not speak of it verbally -- it took more than a good show at the borders to truly cement oneself into the Centurion's favor, and she would require a bit more longevity before granting Saraqael any verbal compliments, but it may have shown on her face anyway. “We have a greenhouse, and we could always use the extra help there. And, if you like rabbits, you ought to head to the northeast corner of the territory, up on the hills. There's a lot of rabbits living out that way,” she said, pointing to illustrate the direction.

“Most of the clan either lives in the mansion, which is close and in the forest here, or in the caves -- they're right along the beach. If neither suits you, settle where you'd like.” It was more than she usually spoke, but the scarred woman did not like to abandon her charges to the clan without any instruction -- it was half of her job to make sure they became acclimated to the clan anyway. “Questions?” she asked, turning her head toward the woman. “Oh, the skull. Fix it later, if you'd like. Get settled first,” she added, almost as an afterthought. It had passed from importance in the scarred woman's mind; the damage had been accidental, and they now had a new clan-member instead. It was a trade she would make any day.

Word Count :: 511

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