what lays in the world beyond

As Shawchert turned to move deeper into his territory the pair followed. Having stripped every log of her home of it's bark she was quite familiar with the tasked the male mentioned. Reminding her of the time when she had not yet had a home to call her own. So much had changed in the months since then. In that time the Cour des Miracles pack had truly become a home to the golden woman. "Any chance you've got some extra tools I might be able to use?" She hoped he would have an extra hatchet or axe or she wouldn't be much help at all stripping the long. There was only so much that could be done with hand and claw.

There were many reasons Anann had preferred to build her own home. Many had thought her crazy for her it, even the Russian that now lived with her had found the idea a bit odd to start. Even though he could relate just as easily as Shawchert that the low ceilings and closed in walls of the old abandoned dwellings. Though perhaps some preferred the den like quality they had do to that fact. As it was Anann had little care for human things at all, except for few things. Their knowledge namely. Study of the written word and the knowledge left behind in the books of libraries and universities was a wonder, yet terrible thing.

Though as far as the hotel was concerned, it really was a spacious thing. At least on the main floor. Anann had not really spent much time in the rooms in the floors above. Only once when she had been under the care of the Healer that lived there. During that time she had been mostly sleeping thanks to a strong draft and what little time she had been awake was a haze. "I grew up in a rather tight knit place, much different than living in Cour des Miracles. Few actually stay in the hotel, the pack is scattered out over the pack lands quite a bit actually." It had it's advantages and disadvantages; personally and tactically. "I've grown to like the privacy." Her life before had been center stage, though not in an entertainer's sense. There were things she missed, but that wasn't one of them.

Once they got the fallen log she followed his lead, just as she had since they had left the borders.

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