But the dawn is breakin'
"Never imagined that we'd end up here, really." He commented quietly, fiddling with a piece of grass that was still attached to the ground. He never imagined that they would all have to leave Bleeding Souls or that he and Naniko would become mates like they had. He meant a lot by those words but, then again, he supposed that was the magic of life. There were so many possibilities that someone really couldn't imagine what was going to happen. "But maybe it can be a good thing, even though it started out of a bad thing." He nodded to his then, more to himself than anything. "There are so many bad memories trapped in those lands back there, maybe it'll help some of us move on." Himself, for one. He could go to the coast now without thinking about having killed his father, walk through the forest without the image of his mother, broken and beaten, popping up in his head.

"I'll be out scouting the area during the day for the next few days. Hoping to find some other survivors and figure out who made it and who didn't." The hybrid turned his eyes back toward the lake a moment, watching. "When I was out earlier I picked up the scent of others, packs. I plan to go visit them also, to see who all they have in their lands, try and get an idea of who all is around now." He also planned to speak with the leaders of those pack, to make them aware of Twilight Vale and, hopefully, get off to a good start with them. "Could possibly pick up a few members here and there if I find anyone needing a home."


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