nothing's going to bring us down (p - bindu)
Finals + holiday excitement = losing track of time. MERRY XMAS BY THE WAY Big Grin

Bindu's vocabulary was improving, bit by bit. Daily, she seemed to add words to the sentences she spoke. Geneva did not think that she was learning the words from her or from the pack members around. She had to be regaining memory of them. Perhaps one day Bindu would be able to piece together exactly what had happened to her to make her so hurt. Until that day came, Geneva was content to watch her heal. And she did not know if she would ever be able to delve into that mystery; Bindu might not be comfortable sharing. It wasn't her secret to know or to tell, it was only her wish to see Bindu make her path in life however she could in a healthy manner.

"They do. Sometimes I wish I could." It was a little known fact, but when the weather was warm enough, the gray wolfess loved to take a dip in the water. And when she was alone, she loved to swim, sink beneath the water, and watch the world's fragmented rays of light from below the surface. It was such a change in perspective. "What do you want to do today?" Geneva was curious. Bindu was venturing out of the ranch slowly. Maybe she would want to see something or someone. It might aid in her recovery and stimulating her mind to remember new things if she was exposed to something different for a change. But Geneva would not push her. This had to be at her own pace.


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