A change in stature

WC: 376 (+3) OOC: Smile

He was scared for the young woman before her, he had never in his life saw someone fight against their change, and he felt that it would do her more harm than anything else. All he wanted to do was to help her change, and hopefully help her heal emotionally because that seemed to be what was preventing her from fully changing in the first place.

there’s nothing to be scared of, just one change, and you can control them for the rest of your life, you can change back.

He wasn’t sure why she was scared, but he’d known some who did not like change … and this was a big one for her, he knelt down, knowing he couldn’t change himself right now due to his own injury, but he could tell that she was doing her best to prefent it. He tried talking to her in a soothing voice, one he would use for his daughters, when he was around and they were scared of something or unhappy.

I’m sure everything will be ok, your life has a plan for you and right now that plan is to change.

He wasn’t sure what else he was suppose to say, he had never had any problems when he’d first changed, he’d been cheered on by his sister and though his parents were not around he knew they were by his side even in spirit. This young female seemed to be all alone, and he felt bad, but if she needed the company, he’d igve her it, though she seemed quite scared of him, even though he wouldn’t harm her.

Everything will be fine, I promise.

He was confident in these words as he’d never seen anyone have problems changing, though he did not change into his Halfling form, he still could, though he had little desire to change to that ugly form. It was either optime or wolf, nothing more, but no one had mentioned any problems, it had all become instinct after the first change, though there had been times where he’d heard an infected changed not on their own free will a few times but that was it. It was just a simple thing… something he couldn’t describe but it was simple.


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