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WC: 326 {3 points}

Sanuye was a bit disappointed to hear that because of her rank she was not ready to feed the flames of the Great Fire. This was her duty and to find out that she was not ready yet put a huge setback on her mood. She was a bit satisfied that she would be able to help out Dawali as he fed the flames. The coyote moved over to his bundle of firewood that the chief set at his side as she listened to why she was not able to aid him in his task as she had hoped. She had to be one more level in her field before she was able to help him. The hybrid understood now, but still felt sorry for the male because he had to do all of the master’s work. She was more determined now that before to help him and show that she had the skills to be the fire master of AniWaya.

Sanuye smiled as she began to lift the bundle of firewood into her arms. She may not have been the strongest around, but it was the least she could do to help him with his duties. She listened to him as she moved back towards the Great Fire. The coyote shook her head gently as the tip of her tail wagged. ”It sure does sound like a lot of work for you Dawali. I’d be more than happy to help you out in any way I can. I don’t really have anything else to do anyways.” The hybrid stopped and waited for her chief before she began her part of the work, even if it wasn’t doing much at all. She was satisfied enough with learning the wisdom of the tribe from her chief. She knew how important the Great Fire was to the pack and she was not going to let it die so long as she was her to care for it.

table by james.

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