A simple 'Key'
My apologies again on the wait for this. I hope that you got my PM. We'll get you accepted quickly so that you can post :]

Naniko had been deep within the packlands, but somehow the pup had been able to find her. The female often found herself exploring the inner-most reaches of Anathema, seeking out new passageways and tunnels, and had been curiously poking around some of the western tunnels. As soon as Juju had notified her she'd turned around to come back out, but it had taken her a bit to reach Selene and the new wolf.

She approached quickly and quietly, looking to her sister. Selene was one of the wolves that she trusted most with the pack; from what Juju had told her, Naniko felt that her sibling had made the correct choice with wanting to seek approval for this newcomer. They would welcome any and all.

The shifted female looked down upon the two with jade eyes, sliding her dagger from her belt and making a quick cut along her palm. "Welcome to Anathema." She held this out this to the stranger quietly, wishing to make a similar cut on him as well.


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