Everything changes, from memories to new faces
Just so you know, Tala does not pick on compliments or hints at all when it involves someone flattering her. xD She's all 'pretty? You mean that chair right? Right?' 5+

Tala felt so utterly rude to have disturbed this man from his writing, he had seemed so lost in wondrous thoughts as he had been writing with such a passion she had not seen before. Tala had barely spoken a word to this grey male but she already knew that he carried a deep desire to write and express his creative mind in an outlet was was purely scriptual. If in many forms of ink or outlet, it was something Tala did not posses, and she envied him almost immediately for it. She had felt in for Shaw too, a desire to be able to do more than she could, but with this male, it seemed so much more deep, more of a lifestyle rather than a hobby. The smell of Gardenia was overtaking her nose at an overwhelming note and his scent was fading fast, barely a trace or a memory as to what it actually smelled like. Though it's not like it mattered right now, those eyes he sported, she felt lost in their cool shade.

As he spoke she seemed to be snapped back to an immediate reality. His voice had a tone that was not of the Valley, now where had he managed to acquire that? It was most unique and enticing. It gave the female a slight complex, she felt as if her voice was atrocious compared to it. Her slightly deepened tone due to her ligh femininet rasp made her feel as if she was a monster to even speak. "You speak about your writing with such a passion. I can only rudely assume that you write for more than just pleasure? A gratification of sorts maybe? I am quite jealous that you acquire such an outlet." Her words almost got lost in though before he snapped her back down to reality once more. The lighter grey and much taller male seemed to cause her mind to jitter, she could not explain it. Why was such a thing happening? As his paw outstretched she nodded her head softly in acceptance to his offering of a seat. "It's I who should apologize. I barge in and do not even utter my name. I apologize for my actions. It's a pleasure to meet you, Davyn Nefae. My name is Tala Djose." She gave a welcoming and almost hostlike friendly gaze. She had not seem him around, so she could only assume he was one of the newer members, that or she had just not had the pleasure to meet her packmate in the past.

The dappled fae set herself down on one of the wooden stools strewn about the room. He was a gentlemen, she would not deny him of that title in her wildest dreams. She still felt like a fool for interrupting him as she did. The fact that he called her lovely seemed to enter one ear and exit the other. The girl was not used to being complimented by anyone let alone a male. It did not compute to her as a compliment or a word of flattery. In her mind nobody had a reason to speak to her in such a way. They had not in the past, so why would somebody have the compulsion to do so now? "Pardon my asking, but what brings you so far out into the bush at this harsh season of winter? Most would dread making the tread up here at this time of year." Tala sat with poise, her posture was straight and her hands set in her lap, heels together like paired magnets and tucked in a feminine curl off to the side.



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