Blows are glancing
[html]Tala looked over him and felt a pain of guilt for making him look head to head with his stutter. Something that bothered him so much to the point he only spoke when it was absolutely necessary. She knew that leaving it alone could be so much easier, and it was, and forever would be. Tala let her head dip in a silent apology, though she was trying to be strong for her brotherly friend she knew that he was not enjoying this, as much as he wanted. It's not like she could cure him of his stutter either, it would be something that he would always have. She could not cure him of damages given in the past, especially to such a large scale. Though if she could help him to the point where he could get out a sentence with minimal stuttering, she knew he'd be happy, and therefore it would make her happy too.

The dappled fae stood quiet for a moment as many things ran through her head, she was trying to decide on a tactic to use for him to practice on, though none seemed to stick all to dominantly to her mind. "I think that the best thing to do is to give you sentences to run over, and over, and over. Until you can say them to a point where you feel comfortable. To me it seems the most effective, and the least insane out of my ideas as well, so that is a bonus." The girl laughed lightly, she knew she must seem like quite the oddball right now. "Now I was thinking something along the lines of 'Valiant occurrences of supernatural phenomenon.' Now I have a feeling it's going to be a pain, but the long words and pronunciations might be good. Though we can always think of something else if it does not work." She knew that this would probably drive the male to anger or even to becoming upset, but he had to be determined. If he was not, she had a feeling this would go nowhere.[/html]

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