Under my skin.

OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; Sorry, it's been unusually cold where I am at (enough to actually get snow) and I'm anemic so I can't keep body heat so I've been freezing lately and unable to feel my fingers and toes; 576 words

Did the other think him stupid because of his age? Sure, he was younger but he was intelligent. He had started training at a young age. He had lessons to attend practically straight out of the womb. Of course the first was to listen to those in power and not speak in those meetings unless he was called to do so. Because idle hands and minds weren't liked he was taught to start crafting at a young age as well. His proficiency had come from working hours a day under strict tutelage. Breaks weren't allowed unless perfection was achieved. So yes, he was young but with his strict regimen he knew what he was talking about. It further helped that he picked up on his training quickly and easily. So yes, he wasn't slow.

"I know what hunting is. I'm talking about all the layers of fur that you just added on. What was that about?" There was no disdain there but simply curiosity. After all he had his quirk of dyeing himself multiple colors. He simply had never seen another wrap up in the furs of prey and so he wondered if there was a reason for it. Was it part of some ritual? If so then he certainly wouldn't mind learning. He had this thirst for knowledge. He was curious about the customs of others. Perhaps that was because his own beliefs were frowned upon rather than others trying to understand them.

"My tutor wouldn't allow anything less than perfect." He said with a shrug. He simply thought that everyone was that way. That they weren't allowed to give up unless it was done exactly right. Starting out he had been up for days, with only limited amounts of sleep, in which if he messed up he had to start all over again. And he certainly knew better than to waste anything. Every part of every animal could be used in some fashion and so he never let anything be tossed out. He found a use for it all. The consequences for throwing something out wasn't something that was liked. While there were some animals he didn't like he knew better than to toss them out. Especially in this weather. Winters could be harsh and so you didn't want to lose anything.

"It is a big piece so hanging it would allow easier access to get to all sides instead of continually having to shift around in order to get to all side of it. You could also stand easily instead of sitting hunched over to complete the task so it is easier on the back as well." Or at least he had to hunch over with how tall he was. At the offering to sit and rest himself he moved closer and took a seat next to the other. But rather than looking at the canine he made to examine the prey item. He was curious as to what would be worked with.

Though when the other introduced himself he looked up to him. A smile formed on his lips as he accepted the hand and shook it. "Ouija, founding craftsman of the pack." He gave another glance to the deer before looking back to the other male. "What sorts of tools do you use?" He asked curiously. After all improper equipment could led to a messily done job. "And what do you plan on doing with the skin if I might ask?"

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