[AW] I Tried My Best
OOC: Thanks for joining!
I'm assuming that Valinta's in Optime form; I know that your profile says otherwise, but I don't think that Secui have fingers. Tongue

The scent of an unfamiliar female suddenly reached Slade’s nose, and he willed himself not to sigh. As if being stuck in a thorn bush wasn’t already humiliating enough on its own, he now faced the issue of being stuck in the prickles in front of someone else. He supposed it was better than standing there all day, and it likely wouldn’t have been a while before someone came along, but it didn’t make the situation any less embarrassing. He acknowledged her words with a small nod, saying nothing.

He felt her picking at the spikes for a bit, and when she stopped he assumed it was safe to exit. Slowly, he stepped back until he was completely out of the bush. Turning around, Slade found himself faced with the female who had spoken earlier. She asked him if he was all right, and he fought for a moment to find his voice before saying, "Yeah. Um… yeah. I’m fine. Just, you know, got stuck in a bush...." He finished with a chuckle that was hardly intended to be humorous.

Trying to gulp down his embarrassment, Slade dipped his head and turned his eyes away. "So, ah, thanks for saving me... from the bush...." He had never had much luck speaking with strangers, let alone the fact that this “stranger” was someone from his own pack, and he had a very good feeling that he hadn’t made a good first impression. He had a habit of mentally beating himself up whenever he made a major blunder, and he really hoped that it wasn’t showing through the fact that he was unintentionally grumbling nonsense.

He hardly had the chance to think that it would be a smart idea for him to introduce himself, at least with a name… though maybe the female would be able to figure out that his name was Slade because it was the only sensible word that could be distinguished from his babbling.

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