Everything changes, from memories to new faces


Tala thought that the fact that he was apologizing to her about what he had been thought as a pup was rather silly,he did not need to apologize for such things. It was especially true since Tala was similar, her parents had taught her similar mannerisms and traits as a child, though they were not the same, the idea was. To be kind no matter what the other person seemed to say, they had that in common. Davyn probably could have called her terrible things and it would take Tala several occurrences to start to get rude in return. Tala gave everybody three chances, on the third they were fair game to be treated the same as they had treated her. Though she had never gotten to this point before, she never wanted to. The femme chose to remove herself from the situation rather than let things get tense. It was a personal choice, she knew that letting things get ugly never ended well. That was a mixture of personality and teachings. Tala was never one to fight, and her mother had always said that a lady should never get her paws bloody unless it was utmost necessary.

"I understand what you speak of, and I know you did not mean harm by calling me lady. I don't expect you to abandon your teachings Davyn, not in the slightest. Please don't ever think that." She would never want someone to give up what they had learned just to please another. That was something she did not believe in. As he outstretched a paw to her Tala gave a polite smile before she took it with a gentle grasp. "Thank you." Her words were soft and quick, though she nodded in respect all the same. Tala was becoming more aware of the fact that the sun would quickly set and the cold would become so frigid it would hurt the skin. It seemed they both had the idea that it was time to leave.

His words made her smile and she nodded quickly, she could not remember the last time she was asked to be walked home. Maybe as a puppy when she would stay out to late and her aunt would usher her home like there were monsters in the shadows just waiting to pounce on any unsuspecting pups. "I would be delighted to have you keep me company to my cabin. Thank you, Davyn. Though I am very capable of walking myself home safely I won't deny you of that, I am no stranger to worry for friends." She exited the house into a blunt cold air. Her exhales became singular clouds which faded into the air like wind. It certainly was becoming quite frigid out here. Home seemed cozier than ever. Tala just hoped that his home was not to far off after they parted and equally as warm. It took nearly 20 minutes to come into view of the old cabin. Tala looked at the grey brute and her gaze was curious. "Thank you Davyn, you truly are a kind soul." She wanted to offer him to stay the night here to avoid the dark and the cold. Would that be inappropriate. She barely even knew the man? There was a shyness stuck in her throat was was muting any words. He seemed to have this effect on her.

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