turn on the light just to make shadows.

Sorry for the wait guys >.<

Skoll nodded at Lubomir's acknowledgement. He had very to say in this matter...Pilot had spoken with Tayui, and knew best what the both of them wanted. They would need more able-bodied wolves to be taken seriously, this much he knew, so Lubomir met his criteria quite easily. Hopefully a system vaguely similar to what had existed before would reassert itself over the new congregations. In many landscapes he'd seen along his travels, larger packs often bumped others off of their territory...not necessarily attacking them to do so, but simply encroached, with the full knowledge that the rival group was too small to protest. The Bleeding Souls he had known had relatively little expansionism, the lands had always been so furtile that there had been no need for it. He knew that territory meant survival where he had grown up. It had taken him a long time to get used to the way they did things in a place as brimming with life as Bleeding Souls.

"I'm Skoll," he said as the introductions started flying. There really wasn't much else to say. If Pilot was a leader and Lubomir was going to be a story-teller...a position which Skoll might go out for if he didn't already have existing duties--it was obvious why he was around. Comparatively, being a fighter could be seen as rather low. One a leader, the other a teacher and retainer of history, and a thug? Anyone who knew the gold-furred wolf knew he was no thug, though. His professionalism and dedication, both to the people he fought for and to bettering himself as a fighter, set him apart from the standard.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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