a little bit funny
ooc;; <33

Hearing the boys giggles was something of a tonic to the young mans ears. He hadn't been this young in a long time and, thinking back on it, Saul doubted he had ever been this young. Of course, he had been two months of age before, but Melee and Range, to their knowledge, had lived sheltered lives and they were immature because of it. As long as Saul could remember there had always been something going on that he had to understand, had to be alert and aware for. Even if it wasnt for himself, he had to be aware for his brother and sister. Though Gideon had remained in Dahlia for almost all his life, Saul and his other siblings had been forced to take the journey back to the Stormbringer pack. If the storm hadn't hit, they probably would all be there together now. But he'd grown up fast when he'd been plunged into a world alone and no-one to care for him. His neice and nephew, by comparison, had life easy.

Saul allowed a soft laugh to escape him as Range pounced towards his tail. The young man wasn't going to make it easy for his nephew and made sure his tail ran circles around the boy. Excited giggles could be heard from behin him and the young man made a note to try and bottle the happiness coming from the brown and cream boy. He would grow up soon and the giggles that came from him would soon turn to manly chuckles and then maybe nothing at all. Saul wanted his nephew to know what he had been like when he was younger, as the timber boy wished he could go back and see himself at that age. The nimble little boy snaked between his legs and came to a stop in front of Saul's face, a demanding question on his lips.

"What, did Daddy not tell you this one?"

Saul offered with a shocked expression on his face. It was fake, for Saul knew that at some point Gideon would tell his children the short story of their adventure to the beach. Therefore Saul would not tell the boy what happened and wait for his dark brother to tell them instead. Still, Saul wondered why his younger brother had not told it soon. Maybe he was scared the two would want to look for the beast they had narrowly escaped. It would be a good enough reason of course, but that was certainly paranoid parenting for you. Green eyes danced as his nephew came out from between his legs, mismatched eyes casting wary looks around the forest. Once he was sure there was nothing there, he stepped aside for Saul to take the lead.

"Onward, Captain Range! We shall see no beasts today with ye on guard!"

Saul played with his young nephew, a chuckle escaping him as he returned the lick the boy had given him earlier. Pushing the boy forward with a small shove of his head, they set off into the forest with wary caution that history would repeat itself.

word count;; 518



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