the misty sea, it calls to me
Sorry I'm slooowww! <3 WC: 320

Sage had been enjoying the quiet day, the lovely view, and the warm bubble of company that the weed provided. The Lykoi girl was thoroughly entranced by her surroundings, taking deep, welcome breaths of the salty air. Her nose quickly detected the presence of someone else, probably someone that lived by this very sea. Although she was enjoying her solitude, she wasn't upset to be interrupted, and slowly, happily turned her straw colored eyes to greet the incoming figure.

It was another girl; she was young, it was obvious, and had a unique, but very pretty coloring. A grey girl, dappled with lovely browns and creams. Clearly she was no threat to Sage.

Sage took the last hit of her joint and flicked it away, watching idly as the breeze caught it and carried it somewhere unknown. The earth child hugged her rabbit fur blanket closer to her, buffering herself from the cool sea breeze. It was oh so welcome, but she did wish she'd brought a second blanket, for this chill.

The girl must have noticed her huddled form, for she commented on it as she approached.

"You look cold," said the puppy girl.

With a smile, Sage replied gently, her voice dreamy. "I am, a little, but I'm not unhappy about it."

The brown girl stood, gathering her bag and blanket and walked several steps closer to the little girl, who had sat a ways away from Sage. She did not intend to frighten her, and so she stepped carefully, and lowered herself down to the girl's height, crouching now. She stayed a few feet away, still, not wanting to get too close, and grinned at the young one.

"My name is Sage, pretty girl," she said, with a delicate bow of her head, brown waves of hair falling around her face. "Is this your home?" asked Sage, nodding to the land beyond her.


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