Grandpa tell me about the good old days

OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; Yay! Ponti is back! *throws year younger sister that was never met at*; 374 words

Sele was slowly becoming less and less of a recluse though she had yet to venture away from Anathema's lands. Still, she was meeting with outsiders frequently enough. But then again this was thanks to Juju. The boy would rather be out and playing in the snow rather than tucked away safe and warm within the caves. Because of that Sele was to be found out and about through the trees and chasing after the energetic young boy. Again that was the case for this time as well. Then again he was also easier to put to bed after he spent his time running about and wasting energy.

She walked on her hands as the pup leaped along from one snow pile to the next. With his thick coat, thanks to his father's genes, the cold wasn't bothersome to his and so he was enjoying his time out playing. From his play his copper back had started to be dusted with white as the snow had settled there. Sele could just laugh softly at his antics and shake her head as she followed after him, walking on her hands as always.

A sudden, new scent attracted his attention and he darted in that direction, leaving his mother to catch up. "Where are you going now Juju?" She called after him as he followed. Juju stopped at the bag that had been placed on the ground not too far of a distance away from where he had just been playing. He didn't notice the older female that it belonged to as he sniffed at it before reaching out to try and catch the strap in his teeth to that he could tug on it, trying to drag his prize away. "That doesn't belong to you Juju." She scolded her son in a gentle tone before angling her head to the side to be able to somewhat look up at the other female as she approached. "Sorry about that." She apologized before having dropped her feet to the ground from her handstand position as she had gotten close. Immediately following the placement of her feet on the ground she dropped to sit on her knees. "Leave that alone Juju and come on over here and apologize."


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