Moving forward

It had been quite awhile since Anann had seen such antics out of Rem when greeting another wolf. He tolerated and accepted most wolves, but the list of those that the horse would go as far as to call friend were few. There was a small pang of jealousy that Anann felt, as Rem's affections were not something that she was used to sharing, but such a feeling was quickly extinguished by other, stronger feelings as Alder met Rem with equaled joy. Leaving Anann to wonder if he had gotten over his past shyness. A fleeting thought as she saw it return as she approached.

It was still surprising, to see how large the boy had grown. His body having changed so much in the few months since she had last seen the young the boy. Pups grew up so fast, yet when she had been a youth it seemed as if she would never reach adulthood. Yet here she was, already in her third year. Time pasted so slowly in the eyes of child, but once adulthood was reached time seemed only to flow by faster and faster.

Despite his shyness, Alder was polite. She expected no less, considering his mother. His responce seeming, if anything, slightly rehearsed. "It is good to hear she is well. So what brings you to Cour des Miracles today, Alder?" Her tone slightly softer and more gentle than it typically was. Anu had spoken once of sending the boys to Cour des Miracles for training had they shown any desire to learn to work with horses. She had always suspected that Alder, at the very least, would someday venture to their borders for such lessons. Of coarse, he could just be here to visit Haven as well. Whatever brought him here, she would gladly assist the son of a good friend.

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