Baby, it's like voodoo.

ooc: 501 words. Got permission to slightly pp Skye!

The traveler no longer cared about the heat that beat upon them both, the water was refreshing and the female he was staring at was just as good as a cool drink of water. His face, already naturally red, he felt grow hot even in the crystal clear pool, and just as he turned away from staring at her, Skye submerged. Doing just what he had planned earlier, Bangle stuck his head in the water, looking around for that flash of white. But it seemed she had gone deep, farther than he could see with his eyes in the pool, and he darted his head back up, every inch of him now completely soaked. He shook his head, dreadlocks flinging around him, droplets flying every which way.

It was then that the coywolf felt the tug on his tail, and jumped a bit, more so at the touch than surprise - he knew who it was, and she returned the favor of his little game. His orange-yellow eyes blinked hard as she came back up to the surface, only inches from him this time, and he disturbed the water's gentle surface to splash her again. "If my tail were a worm, then I hooked m'self a pretty big fish, huh?" He joked into the warm air and chuckled, but just then he was taken aback by a sudden weight upon him, pushing him into the water. Instinctively he took a breath of fresh air as his arms went around Skye, both of them now submerged in the water.

As he regained his senses, the coywolf had realized she had tackled them both into the water. With his arms still around her, having had to grab onto something in the fall, he looked into her brown eyes, which seemed lighter in color in the water. Without missing a beat to their strange dance, Bangle removed his hand from her waist and snaked it up to one of her hands, lifting their intertwined palms up for her to twirl a full circle. The water created a beautiful spiral of bubbles and waves as he watched her move gracefully to him leading her, with help from the cool liquid surrounding them. Bangle put the same hand around her waist again and pulled her close, and even in the water he felt the body heat between them. He felt his entire body flush once again, inexplicably, as orange eyes met the depth of brown ones, as if they held an ocean all their own.

The grin stretched across his face again, though this time it looked even more silly, as he tried to keep the air maintained within his cheeks. Bubbles spurted from his lips, making their way to the surface, and the coywolf did his best not to laugh. Truthfully, he wanted to stay down in the water forever, but all these feelings and actions made him feel as if he was a voodoo doll, and the white female before him held the pins.

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