Smoke on the Wind

sswm 810

He had followed the animal for some time now, absolutely intrigued by the lovely, flawless velvet hue of the majestic beast. It seemed to be a different breed than the tame mounts that often were found accompanying their masters. There was no luperci chasing after this one, and he wondered if it was a free, wild creature still enjoying its immerse freedom. The Soul brute had thought about horses and the possibility of acquiring one, but that desire was put to the test as he saw the beautiful creature move with such strength and purpose. Were they meant to be captured and have their will bent to another being? Would it be right for him to steal someone’s freedom away like that? The caramel male had kept his gaze locked on the horse for some time now, and had thankfully not been discovered despite his lively pelt colour amongst white and black. Thick, rich undergrowth did well at hiding him away, and instead of continuing his border patrol as usual, the Soul male had remained, only to watch the impressive carnivore as it feasted on a scarce patch of yellow, sick grass. Winter was hard on them all.

Then, something seemed to spook the grand animal, and it twisted violently away from his view and all he then heard was the sound of hooves thundering against frosted ground. A sigh escaped the young wolf as lavender eyes settled on the distant sky above as it spread soft white down all around him. It was a beautiful season if one just took time to look for the right things. Rain was lovely as well; the most beautiful sound there was in his ears. The snow was strangely silent, taking its time to fall down onto earth and add to the lovely layer of purified white on the ground. He did not love it less, he found, for his lilac orbs found their dance through the cool air absolutely stunning. However, Conor was not allowed to dream himself away for long before a horrible sound struck through the thick forest, rising from afar but with such urgency that a shiver struck his spine and made his orange hackles rise. The scream was an agonized one, and a large portion of chilled air leaped into the young alpha’s lungs as he set into the direction of the tortured creature. It was unlike any sound he had ever heard, but it was not in the Soul male to be spooked for that reason. A creature in need was a creature in need, and the sound chilled his bones more than the cold season ever could.

The sight that met him struck him with wonder. It was another beautiful animal dressed with pitch black, though so much smaller than the mammal he had watched earlier. In truth he realized that he had followed the fresh hoof prints to the current scene, and he realized what had happened. This fact did not make him sick, but to imagine the large animal’s hard hooves crush down on the small feline was not a lovely image. Lilac zoomed in on the small cat. He had of course spotted a few larger felines on occasion, but never been so close to this kind of animal before. He assumed it was wild, unlike Tsukiko’s lovely companion. He stepped closer to the smaller creature, but was reluctant to haste over to its spot straight away. If a wild animal was spooked, chance was that it could worsen a current injury in fear and with its attempts to flee. Conor was in fact a predator as every other of his kind, but it was not with a predator’s eyes he watched the poor thing. It was not hard to point out the grand injury; a black furred leg owning a strange, unnatural angle. It was most likely broken. Poor thing. Crouching slightly where he stood, he shuffled a bit closer to the animal, wondering if it had fainted. It was not screaming any more.

”Psss, psss,” he murmured, adopting the sound he had read in one of his many books where humans interacted with their pet cats. ”There, there, little one.” His words were meant to be soothing, but he did not think it really understood his high speech. The Dahlian wolf did not want to take anything for granted, but he did not aim for a long, sophisticated conversation with the injured cat any way. He wished only to help. Fingers brushed against the medicine bag and he was content knowing that it was no foolish thing to make it a habit to bring it along with him as he walked. There were items he would need to set the bone, and those were safely tucked away into the beholder he had brought along with him.

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