welcome to the masquerade ball.
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------Anselm was excited and pleased to hear that she had some information about the other packs settling in the area. It was best to get as much information as possible from a voluntary source, just in case there weren't any later. Perhaps this would be the only wolf he'd need to talk to directly--the other packs he could just do a little snooping around the borders. He still wished to conduct a thorough search, but as this discussion puttered along, future trickery was seeming less and less critical. In a sense, he already had his ass covered when it came to reporting to Gabriel... anything more after this, he thought, ought to just be the icing on the cake. So for now, he was just going to milk it for all it was worth.
------"This area has plenty of resources," he assured her. "There ought to be plenty to support all of your friends from before--I would think. Do you know how many packs have formed or regrouped?" As for the children, he nodded. Kids were most definitely not his speciality. Those that were disciplined were fine, he guessed, so long as he didn't have to deal with the dirty work of cleaning up after them or keeping them fed. The bratty ones he was quick to put in their place, however--he didn't tolerate disrespect from adults very well, much less some spoiled kids. He was only as forceful as need be, though--the instinct to preserve their species as a whole was still strong. Also, sometimes... sometimes the kids were a ray of light in the darkness of their society. Some weren't tainted yet or conditioned to unconditionally hate one species over another. Unfortunately, he could only be as open minded as others let him.
------As for Naniko, for instance, he found her agreeable enough and would not deliberately go out of his way to hurt her or her pack, even with the new-found knowledge he was acquiring. As far as he was concerned, this was a defensive measure. Believe it or not, life had trained him to be the wary victim, not the cold-hearted assailant. "Yeah, I'll keep an eye out as well. Perhaps if any seem truly lost, I'll send them your way. You guys could probably take care of them better than I could." And for once, there was absolute truth in what he said.


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