wc: 602, haha!

Skye heard the male apologize for spooking Jack, and she shook her head. "Don't be," she said. "I'm fine. And if it weren't for you, I'd probably be a splat on a tree somewhere," she joked. It was true - if this wolf hadn't stopped her horse from running, the animal may have thrown Skye off, and that would have been much worse than falling off the back. She sighed and looked at Jack - she should really work on training him harder. She didn't know a lot about horses, it turned out - less than Liliana knew, at least. She needed to know more about what kind of personality they had, what they were capable of, what they think of as a thread, what sort of submission they succumb to, what they do, how they react to certain things. She couldn't have things like this happening if she was going somewhere in a hurry, because Jack may buck her off, and then what? It would all be for nothing. She was glad the man stopped him, even if she had fallen off. It hadn't even hurt, as she didn't fall from a great height - just the top of his back, which wasn't high enough for Skye to sustain a serious injury. No, she was glad this orange wolf had ceased her from becoming a splat on the wall.

Conor of Dahlia de Mai, huh? So he was in Saul Stormbringer's pack. She smiled at Conor and decided it'd be rude to exclude where she was from - why hadn't she said that in her first introduction? "I'm from Cercatori d'Arte," she said, speaking proudly of her pack. It was growing larger, now having more than ten members. Although Dahlia de Mai's territory smelled of many more wolves than that, she knew that Dahlia de Mai had been here for longer, much longer, than Cercatori d'Arte - and if people continued to join the pack at the rate at which they were, Skye would be part of a very fine and large pack indeed.

Skye relaxed when Conor assured her that she and Jack had stopped just at the borders. She wasn't trespassing on purpose, of course, but she still hadn't wanted to, even if it wasn't her fault. It was Jack's fault! She stifled a giggle and looked at the Appaloosa, who didn't like Conor one single bit. The dappled black and white horse snorted and tossed his head, glaring at Conor the best that a horse could. Skye shook her head and put her hand on the horse's neck as to soothe him, and spoke more words in his ear. She wanted Jack to stop being so...angry. Conor didn't do anything to deserve being glared at, and Skye didn't do anything to deserve being kidnapped by a rampaging horse! She needed to calm him down, and she supposed she would have to bond with him more later.

"More like two or three," Skye giggled as she replied to Conor's asking if Jack was a handful. "I got him from Liliana Vess of AniWaya. I guess he's homesick." Perhaps that's what it was - maybe Jack was resentful of the fact that he had been taken away from his home and from Liliana, his previous owner. Well, the horse would just have to get used to it. Cercatori d'Arte was his home now, and Skye was determined to make him feel as comfortable as he could there.

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