I Am Always the One Who Calls
SSWM: 357.

Nayru's ears picked out the changes in the man's voice and the young girl knew with each passing moment Saluce was growing more impatient with her. Leave Nayru. The only response was a flick of the ear and then her tiny feet moved forward, following once more in his footsteps. For a while she walked behind him in silence, eyes staring at him as he tried to walk away from her but then his pace slowed and she caught up, closing the gap between them yet again. "You can't run from yourself."Her voice was so low now that she doubted he could even hear her words. It was that simple, and probably Saluce knew that, but Nayru couldn't help but point out the obvious.

Whether here or there Saluce would be Saluce and his thoughts would plague him, so why stay out here rather than in Dahlia de Mai? Crimson eyes narrowed, she knew something had happened that he was holding from her, but she wasn't the type to pry. Neither was she the type to give up once committed to something, she didn't plan on leaving Saluce's side until she felt like it, regardless of his commands for her to go. Clearly he did intend on returning, yet when was debatable. She could be patient and wait for his return, but every day he was gone she would lose respect for her teacher, something she didn't intend on allowing to happen. What kind of warrior left his home undefended to brood in the forest? Such behaviors were unacceptable, and also avoidable. It was her self-appointed duty (both to Dahlia de Mai and to Saluce Trembley), whether he wished it so or no, to avoid such a pitfall.

Quickening her pace then she overtook him in a few strides and turned to face him once more, her warm eyes narrowing as she met with his icy ones. "Come fight your demons in Dahlia, where you belong." Her voice now held a ring of authority to it, firm and loud (or louder than Nayru was accustomed to) and she blocked his path, her heart beating in her chest.

table by kahilli

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