Without your pretty pink ribbon
SSWM: 387 .

Born into your status? Such a hierarchy seemed strange, and unfair. Nayru had a sinking feeling then, as if a grave injustice was being committed against her kin. Yet aside from Tsukiko Nayru knew no one who had been exposed to such a class system. And Tsukiko did not seem bothered by it. Did she then think their ways were wrong? Or was it simply different ways for different places, no right or wrong answer. Nayru didn't know enough to decide and the questions popped up in her mind, one after another, but she bit them back, knowing that it was impolite and improper to barrage the woman with so many inquires at once. The fair lady from the east had no qualms it seemed about educating Nayru, but Nayru did not wish to push her luck or overstep social boundaries.

“What advantages does a noble family have over a family that is not noble?" That perhaps was one of the most important questions to ask. Was it the difference between being a leader of a pack or clan and being a member, or was there more? Conor truly did not put on airs or seem to find himself to be better than any of the other Dahlians, he simply did a job that required respect from the others and granted him authority. Yet his place was not permanent, unless he earned such permanence and his children would not inherit the throne simply because of their blood. They would either be worthy or they wouldn't, but it would depend on so many other factors other than lineage.

Yet whether the nobility of one would really affect another seemed to depend if they lived in close quarters, and from Tsukiko's words it seemed that perhaps in Japan they did not live so concentrated together. She had mentioned noble estates, did they noble live in one place and the less noble live in another? They did not intermingle like in packs or clans? Did they even live in packs and clans? “Tsukiko, how are packs organized in Japan?" That wolves would live outside of packs seemed unthinkable, but her questions was hesitant for part of her expected confirmation that they did not, or if they did it certainly wasn't anything like Dahlia de Mai, which is all Nayru knew.

table by kahilli

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