make sure I see white sails, sails

Word Count :: 341

Regardless of whether the scarred old woman knew her granddaughter well or not, she was glad for her return. Kaena had not doubted it, of course, but it was still good to be proven right. Their kind was meant for this place, and they knew it as home in their very bones and blood. She smiled, the coal of her lips twisting upwards in what passed for a smile on her scarred face. The rough and old tissue made it difficult for the coyote to express herself fully, of course, but it was still there, happiness shining through the tough old hide of her face.

“All three of you are here, yes,” she said, barely able to contain her own elation at this. She did not have to wonder whether Mkhai would someday return -- her children and grandchildren had proven time and time again that someday they would all return. Of her own children, only Kerberos and Conway had faded from memory entirely, never returning to set foot across the Inferni border again. The silver-shaded coyote could not guess at the number of grandchildren she now possessed, but she would have thought a majority of these also returned to her, too. “Your father, too,” the hybrid added, hardly bothering to disguise her nearly childlike happiness at pieces of her family coming together again. There was nothing more heavenly to the old coyote than all the members of the Lykoi clan coming together again -- it was a lovely dream, really, though not one she thought she would see in reality.

“ Oh,” she said in pleasant surprise as the rolled white bone was thrust into her hand. “I should have matches in my cave. Would you like to come in with me?” the hybrid asked, caring little whether they sat inside or remained out here. Either was alright by her -- she could have guessed that China would probably prefer the outdoors, but politeness in her forced the offer anyway, even as she started into her cave to retrieve the matches.

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