Something's Gotta Give

sswm 508

Inferni’s borders seldom lay empty. Their security could be considered stricter than that of the majority of the pack. The official battle between Dahlia de Mai and Inferni was over, but the war was far from over. The vivid memory of the scene that had been born when Halo had, apparently, treaded upon a newly established pack’s lands was still with her, and it made her blood boil merely to think about the arrogance she so often saw in the faces of the larger canines of canis lupus. The Inferni princess knew that she was a somewhat unreasonable and flawed creature as well, but she would never aim to push her morale beyond the wolves’. She could crush and cut instead; she wanted to smile and tell them that they were fools for walking this earth like gods and treat the clan like inferiors. Her choice to dedicate her loyalty to the coyote clan was not one made by chance, but because she knew where the rightful strength should reside. Unfortunately life was not very fair, and she would destroy they who wished to destroy here.

The young boy was right to take a step in the opposite direction of her approaching form. A lovely smile warmed up her beautiful face, but she was done hitting down on males for the sake of it. All he did was to hide the flames that wanted to devour him right where he stood. The ruby eyed princess knew that she would by most be considered innocent of all, but his mere race and presence was enough to judge him to a cruel fate. Her face fell to the side as she watched the younger form of boring grays. Rocks had more exciting colours than he, but she knew that not everyone could hold beauty. She amended her steps somewhat, keeping her figure behind the straight line of weather worn skulls in their varying hues of gray and pinks. As her form found stillness, a clawed hand settled on top of a skull older than most, its shade pale white with approaching cracks and fractures decorating the bone surface.

Halo Lykoi cared little for his insignificant excuses, and she could feel the lovely line drawn across her face slowly fall away. And exactly where did he want to cross? Inferni clung to the salty shores; it did not stretch into a thin amount of lands to block a canine’s way like that fucking ridiculous Dahlia de Mai pack. Her spare hand brushed through silky locks of auburn as she barely managed not to roll her eyes at him. ”These are the borders of the Inferni clan,” she informed him, coal hued tail moving behind her in a manner similar to an intrigued canine ready for the pounce. ”Who are you?” she then barked, tossing sternness into the soft sound of her voice as she demanded to know the young boy’s name. Oversized ears dressed with copper and latte flicked backwards as lovely ruby gaze narrowed with suspicion.

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