Under my skin.
734 words. Big Grin

It probably would have been easier for the male if someone had taken the time, let alone the interest, to actually teach him about crafting, but Bangle was merely on his own. Ever since that little... incident... he had always learned to be independent. It wasn't like he asked for it, exactly, all the coywolf was doing was playing a little game on his pack, just to make his duties more interesting. But that blew out of proportion, and presently Bangle lingered his free hand over the three parallel scars on his thigh, surrounded by a dyed blue on his fur to accentuate his mistake. Ever since that day, he had to fend for himself; he did what he could out of what he found. Almost nothing went to waste, not even fur that he found rather useful to even put above his own.

But then the strange dyed man before him asked what the fur on top of fur was all about. Bangle smirked just then, knowing this isn't the first time he'd been asked that. 'Isn't your own fur enough?' They would say, and all he would say in return was: 'Don't talk until ya've tried it yerself.' And that was that. Orange-yellow eyes darted up at the man, and Bangle too had several questions of his own. "It's warm n' comfortable, just gotten used t'it over the years. So why d'ya dye yerself? Isn't yer own coloration good 'nough?" He said in a manner of expecting more-or-less the same answer.. that it was familiar, that he liked it. It wasn't like the traveler disliked it, either, but the only thing he dyed where his life-changing wounds.

The dyed craftsman before him mentioned a tutor, and Bangle put on a face that showed he was mildly intrigued. Bangle chuckled, twirling the knife in his hand idly. "I had t'be my own tutor, feller," he said, shrugging. It was possible that he could learn from this funky fellow, and in turn teach quicker and simpler methods. Methods that didn't have to be perfect, or look great (unless being sold), but as long as it got the job done. Even his belts, and the pouches and bags the coywolf made for himself, they were beginning to get worn from use over the years, granted they weren't looking so neat when he first made them, they worked for whenever the traveler needed them.

Bat-like ears twitched as the dyed craftsman standing above him mentioned about hanging the leather over a tree limb, for easier access and ease of work. He shrugged his red and gray furred shoulders, and decided he might as well give it a go. After shaking the dyed man's hand, Bangle re-gripped the bone knife in his right hand, and laid the buck out over a flat rock he had come across before he had even started. With the buck now belly-up, Bangle made the first cut near the anus, moving slowly across to the front, with sounds that only meant one was cutting into skin and fat and muscle. Slowly, the innards of the buck revealed themselves, coated with blood, and Bangle thought it was a less messier job than cutting it while it hung from a tree, where all the innards would simply drop to the floor and need to be recollected for other uses.

During the cutting and splitting open the buck carefully, did Bangle glance sideways at the male at his other questions. "Th' only tools I use are th' ones I make, n' whatevers lyin' around." The traveler was sure this wouldn't please the tutored craftsman at all, but it was the truth, whatever that was worth. Then came the question of what the skin would be made out of, once the entire process of curing was over with. Bangle lifted a slightly bloody finger to his chin, looking out into the distance and thinking for a moment. "Well, they'd make great foot coverin's fer the winter, but I might also need'a new strap t'hold things fer when I travel again." He spoke, just as he made the last pass through to the buck's neck and chin, putting the handle of the knife in his mouth for a moment to gently pry apart the hide in half. Bangle smiled as he removed the knife from his mouth, looking from the buck to Ouija. "Looks appetizing, don't it?"

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