There's no place like home
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SSWM: 334, I will have to look that up on youtube XD .

Gideon was home suddenly, strolling up the path and Nayru raised her head from her hands when he spoke. Smiling she nodded at his statement, finding the humor that he had been looking for her and she for him at the same time. I wanted to be near Bris, she is due soon, so I'm going to stay here for a few days. Or whenever the pups came. She grinned then, her voice teasing just slightly, knowing the Gideon wouldn't mind but asking anyway. If you don't mind sharing your room with me that is. Nayru could have easily taken up her old room, but she hadn’t even check to see if someone else had taken up residence in it. Perhaps Range and Melee would stake out their own bed rooms and claim her empty one. Either way she had left it empty and hadn't gone back in since leaving. The girl didn't intend to open it back up now.

Scooting over she indicated the space next to her, for Gideon to sit in. Idly she noted that he held his hand behind his back, but she didn't say anything about it. Whatever it was, it didn't concern her. Or perhaps it did, but she did not question it. Merely she waited for the boy to lower himself next to her and she turned to him, the thoughts that had been running through her head suddenly coming to life and spilling forth from her lips. I was going to go hunting, stock up some fresh kills for Bris and Conor, but I wanted to wait for you. How are Melee and Range doing? She saw them often enough to know they were healthy and happy, but she did not get to talk to them as often or as intimately as Gideon did. He was their father and she was just Nayru, and almost she felt sorry for this, but it was life and it went on, no matter the roles they played in it.


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