A teaching experience
OOC: Minus table for all of January. My posts will still retain prettyness!

Valinta smiled thinly. "Frozen water turns into frozen fur for me." she said. "I live in a tree."
Tilting her head, Valinta looked at Bangle. He had a ready smile it appeared. Nothing like that coyote from long ago. "I'm a dancer of Cercatori d'Arte." she said with a small, more friendly smile. "What kind of things do you make?" she asked excitedly. Valinta knew that people would make things for other things to trade... What could she trade? She thought furiously, trying to think of something that she could give for something that could remind her of the childhood that she'd lost. She knew exactly what it was that needed to be made, and what was needed to make it, and she could help him to get things but... She didn't have anything to give.
Tilting her head in the opposite direction, Valinta looked thoughtful. "What would you take in trade for a certain doll? I'd help you get whatever you needed to make it, but I don't know what to trade." she said. She hoped that she could recreate the doll her father had made her. It had been lost when she left Margaret's home. [/html]

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