[M?] WHAT IS WHAT?!?!?
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Powerplay permitted. SSWM: 211

Fiachra had been hesitant to be the one to teach Valinta what was what, but the young girl had been so persistent, and Fiachra was drunk anyway. Of course, her younger counterpart was not made aware of this fact, but it was true nonetheless. As Valinta pointed at some stones, Fiachra pushed her hair out of her face and glanced around. "Oh, fuck, Val! That looks like a..." her voice trailed off and she dissolved into laughter. This was beyond immature, she knew, but she was far too intoxicated to care. Those stones definitely had been set up to look phallic, and she was amused.

The pinecone was the last straw. Fiachra fell to the ground and laughed, covering her face with her hands to try to stifle the sound. This was far too much. "Coincidence my ass!" she exclaimed through the torrent of giggles. "You did this on purpose... didn't you?" She sobered from the laughter for a moment - although not from the lovely brew she had made - and stared at Valinta. "Did you do this as a joke, Val?" she asked seriously. Then, before her companion could answer, she once again looked at the objects that mimicked their inappropriate conversation with unnatural ease, and dissolved into hysterics.


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