unafraid to face any foe!


Even though his injury was healing well enough he figured he would take it easy on the boarder patrols that he had just started getting back to. It was now certain, due to the depth that the wound had been, and the amount of time it was taking to fully recover, that he would end up with a nice scar from the top of his chest and wrapping diagonally down to his middle. As it was he could probably go without the bandages wrapped around his middle to his arm pits but Amata insisted he should continue wearing one layer of bandages at the least to keep if from getting infected or reopening. But now he could move around with a certain ease in his breathing. As long as he walked there was no pain in his chest. It wasn't until he tried running that he found out that the deeper breathe caused the wound to expand and send stabbing pains into his lungs.

Today he had managed a couple of laps around the territories without any trouble. Heading back to the manor he felt a sense of pride, maybe he could return to normal now. Stepping inside he shook his coat, sending the wet drops flying in all directions before he headed upstairs towards his room. Upon walking up to the door he could hear grunting sounds, as if the pups were wrestling again. Opening the door he was prepared to ignore the boys behavior and leave them to settle things on their own. In the natural world he had been born into pups fought each other to show dominance and find a rank in their family. However, this was not what he walked in on. Instead of play fighting pups he was faced with little Lorenzo using his teeth to tug his sword out of the sheath. Shocked he walked quickly towards the pup, picking him up from behind he grunted in slight pain. “Lorenzo!” He scolded placing him on the bed. “That's dangerous.” His voice returned to a softer concerned tone. With the injury it was hard to carry any extra weight around so he had left he sword behind but not in the safest of places...obviously.


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