unafraid to face any foe!

Big Grin .

Lorenzo did not even realize that he had been caught until he felt his father’s hands seize him and suddenly pull him away from his task. The Knight boy jerked reflexively and he heard the metallic clang of the sword hitting the floor. So, that’s what I should have been doing all along! Lorenzo thought to himself as he found himself swiftly lifted away from his fallen prize. Disgruntled, the child began to squirm within his father’s grasp. It did not take long for him to regain his own footing as his father settled him down upon the bed.

”I’s protect you!” Lorenzo said with frustration evident in his voice. He whined slightly as his eyes rounded. Two toned irises looked upon the large figure that his father cut. His eyes fell to the bandages that seemed to engulf the middle portion of his body. He knew that the layers of bandages had lessened, but that did not detract from the fact that his invincible father was still injured and unable to do the things he used to do. Plus, Amata had already told him that he could not pounce upon his father’s middle yet, one of the boy’s favorite pastimes. He would know that his father was truly well again when he could tackle him and bounce on his middle once more.

Lorenzo was usually far more dutiful and obedient, but seeing his father attacked by that huge, gruesome creature had shaken the Knight boy. Things that he accepted as reality – such as his father’s unfailing strength – had been changed. The foundations upon which he had built his life had been altered, and he could only try to deal with it the best way he knew how to. Until his father could be a warrior again, Lorenzo would gladly put himself in the face of danger for the good of his family and his pack.

The Knight boy hopped down from the bed in short order and immediately made a beeline for his father’s legs. He bumped at the giant’s shins with his shoulder and snout, urging him toward the bed. ”Siddown, siddown, Daddy! You’s not good. You’s bandages.” he said, trying to sound as much like his mother as possible. If there was one wolf that could make his father listen, it would be his fiery spirited mother. Certainly his father had to see the logic in this all! He decided not to explain himself and simply turned back to the fallen blade, setting his teeth at the hilt and tugging in earnest.

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