Stranger in a Strange Land

OOC here: Table & Coding © Kahilli; It is fine hun it doesn't bother me and yes, 30STM is love; 549 words

Ouija had moved into the cemetery some time ago. He wasn't sure when exactly but he had come here to try to replicate something that he had seen. And well, it gave him some time away from the pack. Not that anyone tended to really bother him there. But still he liked his alone time every now and again. He liked just being able to get away. And well this was his get away. This was his alone time to do whatever he wanted. Though he hoped the low embers that had been gated away in the fireplace of the lodge would remain lit yet not dangerous. After all all his weeks of work was in there. It was being cured or dried or just waiting to be traded off. He really wouldn't want to lose all of that hard work while he took some time away for himself.

"Le ciel bleu sur nous peut s'effondrer. Et la Terre peut bien s'écrouler. Peut m'importe si tu m'aimes. Je me fous du monde entier." The words of the song left his lips. He had heard it before in New Brunswick. Actually it had been a female that he was courting to have taught it to him. Still it was something that he wouldn't let others know about. He didn't really think he had much of a singing voice and so he kept it to himself, only singing when he figured himself to be alone and a place he wasn't like the be disturbed. "Tant que l'amour inondera mes matins. Tant que mon corps frémira sous tes mains. Peut m'importent les problèmes. Mon amour puisque tu m'aimes." The song had nothing at all to do with what he was working on. But that was because he wasn't making a love doll. Or well, one that served any real purpose. Though maybe later, when the season came around, he could fill it full of flora that would bring about good luck.

He leaned his back against the headstone as he worked. Eyes would glance up to stare across the headstones to seek out the angel. He was working on stitching up the pelt of an ermine and he had wings of some white foul to add to it in order to try and replicate what he was seeing. Down beside him a bunny sat. Of course it wasn't a live one but just the pelt of a white rabbit that he and stuffed to make it retain it's bunny like shape, with the ears still atop the head. It was because of the bunny that he had come to the graveyard in the first place. He wanted to add in some dried out flowers that he had found so that it would have something of a pleasant scent to it. And from there he had just noticed something else that he wanted to try his hand at. It was for no one special and so he wasn't too worried about mistakes though it had been driven into him to complete perfectly whatever he set his mind to do. Still no one else was meant to see it and he figured that it would be okay if there were minor mistakes since it was something new, combing parts of one animal to another.

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