Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again

Hi .

Ever since Axelle woke up this morning, and shifted, she was on a mission to find this Davyn. Someone had told her that he would usually be found at some library in Dalhousie University. She had no idea how she would find this place, but she relied on her nose. It usually got her to where she needed to go by following the person’s scent. She’d never smelled this wolf before, so she went on a hunch and followed the only other scent in the area.

She kept walking, on all fours of course because that was her preferred way of traveling, and soon a large building came into view. She figured that had to be Dollhouse university, or whatever, so she went for it. The scent she was following got stronger as she approached the place. She decided since it had to be a library she needed fingers to flip pages. She shifted. Ah, her strange bodily, two-toned colors again. She realized how amazing they looked while being high one night.

The scent was as strong as it could ever be as Axelle stood in the doorway facing the owner of it. Ahah! She leaned against the crumbling door frame, and just watched him read. He would notice her in about a second, but she figured she'd soak up the moment. She liked seeing those few wolves who were intrigued by human hiistory. She wanted to be a part of that, too, while she wanted to learn about the Wiccan religion too.

So, you’re Davyn?

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