ooc;; <333

Though there was very little hostility in his gaze now, Theodore was still wary of the near stranger. He didnt know him, despite knowing his name and where he came from. But he didnt know what had happened to this male in front of him. He didnt know if something horrific had been done to him which might later make him flip out. It was true that Teddy himself was not the most stable of creature's and almost all of the blame lay on his fathers shoulders. What if Liev had been abused as he had? Blue eyes narrowed as he begun to speak in answer to his question and Teddy gave a nod. He was obviously a skilled man and there was no denying it. He could probably do Teddy's job better than him, mostly due to the fact that Teddy had never really been put in charge of a group of others, as Liev had obviously been.

”I'm sure you'll excell”

Teddy offered with just a hint of sarcasm in his voice. However, he was not prepared for the mans next words. Teddy had never believed in magic, his father had made sure of that, and therefore he found the mans words exceptionally hard to understand and accept. However, his father had made sure that Teddy knew how to read body language. From the nervous neck rubbing and lip biting of a few moments ago Teddy figured he didnt think the warrior would believe him. But there was no deciet in his pose and therefore, despite the absurdity of his story, Teddy was inclined to believe him.

”Your story makes no sense to me, and I doubt that it ever will. But it would make no sense for you to fabricate a story such as this and therefore I will believe you.”

Teddy offered. Blue eyes fixed the man with a stare then as he considered calling Naniko. However, there was a small voice from behind him and Teddy twisted his body to see the pale woman herself. She appeared to be around the borders a lot lately and Teddy was grateful that he hadn't had to call her. She asked him what they had and Teddy took little time to shortly explain who he was and where he came from. In a rare moment of male comraderie Teddy glanced once into her mint eyes before looking away and speaking on behalf of the loner.

”I believe him to be an asset to Anathema”

He spoke shortly before stepping behind Naniko and effectively giving her the reigns of this meeting. Blue eyes glanced at the instrument in the mans hands once more before he settled, ready to back Naniko up if anything happened that he had not forseen.

word count;; 460



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