Fear and Loathing

Blaaah, weird post from meeee. Oh, and that's fine with me! :] SSWM: 702

The Forest of Nod was one of Sage's favorite places. She truly made any forest her home, though, and often frequented the Dampwoods, as well. It was a lovely day so far, although slightly chilly as usual. Sage did not mind this, though, and simply hugged her rabbit-fur blanket closer to her body as she walked through the woods of Inferni. The girl was also clothed in simple leather skins, formed and tailored to her body shape. They were warm, and well-worn from her frequent use; Sage almost always preferred her Optime form over Lupus, and Secui was a form she had only used a few times-- mostly for hunting.

The girl was lazily drifting through the trees, wondering idly if she might find Daddy today, but trying her best not to get her hopes up. Razekiel seemed to be a master of evasion, especially for his girls. She hadn't seen him in so long, and greatly desired contact with him. Clover had said that she had seen him, spoken with him, even...Where could he be? With a sigh, the girl dismissed these worrisome thoughts. It would not do to linger on such troubling emotions on a beautiful day like today.

Tawny paws found themselves in a small clearing, and Sage looked above. As she did, a few small birds streaked across the skyline, and the sun smiled down on her. The Lykoi girl smiled back, instinctively reaching into her bag and retrieving a pre-rolled joint, which she promptly lit and began smoking. The warm haze fell over her quickly, it being her first smoke on a day that was already nearly half over. She appreciated the feeling, and closed her eyes, momentarily basking in the high and the warmth of the sunlight now passing over her.

A breeze rolled through and she caught a scent on the wind which slowly pulled her out of the slight trance she had been in(sometimes her adoration for nature was terribly distracting). It was the smell of another member of Inferni, and a female. She didn't recognize the scent at all, and wondered vaguely who it might be, since most of the women of Inferni were related to her in some way. Happily, she turned her body in the proper direction and allowed her nose to guide her. The Earth child drifted hazily, dreamily, towards this intriguing smell, taking puffs from the joint as she went along.

It wasn't long before Sage's eyes spotted a small stream, steadily moving through the forest, undeterred by the frigid air of winter. She smiled at this fact, proud of nature's ability to overcome even itself. The girl walked slowly to the edge of the stream and placed a single finger into it, wanting to feel the cold liquid, and it's natural pull against her own body. It was so simple, and so breathtaking.

She exhaled merrily, and yellow eyes glanced around the scene. Sage's nose directed her, and a figure appeared in her vision, not far away. It was a very small coyote; Sage was even able to say that the girl was significantly smaller than she, a surprise for sure. The little female had a beautiful coat, mostly white with a lovely black mask about her face. The girl's paws and tail had also been dipped in ebony, and Sage couldn't help but find artistic beauty in such coloration.

Sage walked slowly towards her, hoping not to frighten the small girl, and placed her hand ever so gently on her shoulder. The girl's fur was incredibly soft, and Sage immediately had the urge to run her fingers through it, but declined to do so.

"Hello there, friend..." she said, attempting to gently wake the woman up. "I'm sorry to disturb you, lovely, but your scent found me and I just had to meet you. I'm Sage." her voice was serene and friendly.

The Lykoi girl backed up now, allowing the other some room to stand, should she wish. Sage brought the joint to her lips once again and breathed in deeply and appreciatively, eyelids closing slightly as she exhaled.

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