Baa Baa Black Sheep
No worries at all! :] wc: 243

A silence fell between them for a moment, but Addison didn't mind that. She rather liked uncomfortable silences. The girl was usually good at making the best of an awkward situation. She wasn't sure if he wanted to walk toward the heart of the territory or toward his house or just around the territory in general or if he would want to stick more toward the border area. Maybe it would be best to just stand there and talk, to give the sheep some time to calm down. It had been raised by wolves, around wolves ever since it had been a lamb, and wasn't easily spooked by much. She'd even shifted in front of it before and it hadn't done much more than bat an ear. "I haven't been calling him anything, you can name him something if you want to."

"I was born in Cali myself." Addi was shocked to hear that she'd found someone else from the same state that she had been born in. She hadn't lived there for long before her mother and father had moved her a little farther north into Canada, but still. It was pretty sweet that Mars was from there as well. "I didn't live there for long, did you?" Technically her parents lived in New Brunswick now, her actual blood-related parents, but she considered Jefferson and Geneva to be her true parents now. "My adopted family is in Phoenix Valley with me"


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