Manly sewing
WC:342 OOC: XD oh fun lol.

The man before him had to make Niro think, the young man just smiled and shook his head.

Thick needles are nice at some point, but the sharp ones are better. Though with leather working it’s best to have the holes already carved out, I don’t have many of the tools to use for leatherworking, but I say to sew with, a nice harness needle, and for threads, well even leather can be used to tie itself, but if you are unsure of that, most any thread works to sew, though you do have to strengthen it before you really use the thread itself on the leather.

He said, he had been experimenting with that himself, though to a degree of failure and continued to use scrap pieces. The male persisted on helping Niro, and he couldn’t help feeling greatful to the man. He just never had anyone run errands to him before.

Well, nothing really bad I suppose, I only trespassed on some dirty loner’s lawn, but it isn’t that really, I’m not use to such requests.

He sighed, he stood up, he flipped the knife so that the handle was pointed to Strel. It’s the knife he’d used for so long now.

Nothing too special, just something like that, or even something to sharpen the knife with.

He said. That was when Tobias started making a fuss. He’d been entirely ignored by the red man, and his master was… well himself, so he started flapping his wings, making a high pitched screetching noise that no one could ignore. Niro groaned and reached in his belt pouch to take out a small leather thing that he stuck on the birds head. the quiet didn’t start for a few moments but soon it was so silent it seemed Niro had poisoned is own bird.

He is an attention whore my apologies.

He said, he rarely had to hood the bird, and he could feel Tobias listening to Niro, his head turned to him, tilted a little, though the leather covoring stayed on.



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