And the World kept Turning
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OOC: Lol, Tongue It's okay, my post is craptastic as well. I love his reaction btw. XD

She watched him as he came out of hiding, and then nearly came within her personal space towering over her. He was still a respectable distance, it was just his height that threw her off. His question made her eyes narrow. Wasn't the word obvious? Her ears rolled back as she felt her shy and nervous behavior beginning to surface. She was alone and this wolf acted like a creeper. Was she capable of defending herself? She wasn't sure. Letting out a gulp she began to explain, "I..I guess it could be taken as an" She wondered why she talked so nervously. Of course it was a damn insult! He was hiding about watching her like a creeper!"You were sneaking about watching me like some weirdo!" She exclaimed as she tried to shrink away. She felt like she was a small insignificant speck compared to him. Trying to avoid his gaze she kept her eyes down, "I wouldn't have called you a creeper if you weren't....being one..that is.." She began to lick her lips nervously. She let the awkward silence befall them as she now didn't know what to say, and she knew most likely he'd attack was any wolf would do wasn't it? I mean, she was alone, and she just insulted him. There was no one to protect her from him if he chose to do so...


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