Running thoughts

SSWM: 640

Nayru nodded and smiled as Liliana explained she had meant to come out to see Nayru. Nayru felt a bit guilty, as traveling outside of Dahlia de Mai for any reason hadn't occurred to her much lately. She had only ventured out to retrieve Saluce, and that had hardly been for her own enjoyment. The girl realized how much time had elapsed since she last saw Liliana only when Liliana's words made her stop to think of their last meeting. She had been younger then, and younger still the first time they had met and Nayru wondered how much she had changed. The Aniwaya female seemed not changed at all, and even Grace was exactly how she remembered the gentle creature, but they hadn't been almost still children then. They had been fully formed, molded, and now Nayru was among their ranks, fully an adult.

Ears perked at the news Liliana delivered, and Nayru smiled at her friend, mirroring the joy she saw on the woman's face. Mated? Nayru still could not fully comprehend all the feelings that others seemed to express in the presence of their mates. To be so fully absorbed in another seemed odd to her, to be so emotional over the moods and actions of another seem strange. She had never felt so passionately about anyone, never so bonded, and couldn't imagine herself doing so. Gideon was the closest thing she had, a best friend, her closest companion. Nayru knew that he made her happy to be around, and that idea of him hurting was unbearable, but she didn't ache when he wasn't near to her. His presence was comfortable, familiar. Yet something was different about Gideon the past few times they had met. Lately, he had been acting just a little strange. Looking at her differently, treating her differently. She fingered the necklace he had given her, and an anxious but pleasant feeling formed in her stomach. That feeling was foreign, and she wondered where it stemmed from.

“That's wonderful Liliana! Tell me about him?” Really she had never asked anyone about why they wished to be mated to another, about love. Saluce had loved Layla but the man did not speak about her any longer and Layla had seemed sad at the Hibernal feast, which Saluce had been absent from. Conor and Bris seemed to care for one another, they had a child together, and it seemed natural but Nayru had never properly analyzed that relationship, didn't know how Conor felt, how Bris felt. It wasn't her place. Rarely did she question others on their personal matters, only when they shared them openly as Liliana confided in Nayru did she ask any question. Only when she thought it would be helpful to get answers did she ask questions. There had never been a reason to ask anyone about mating or love or any of that, it wasn't part of Nayru's life. Lately though, she wondered. What was she missing out on?

The girl was eager to ask about Nayru's life, and Nayru smiled, trying to think of any exciting news she could tell Liliana. It truly had been a while since she had seen Liliana and while Nayru had done a lot, she felt very little had changed. “I have only been here, protecting the borders, hunting… serving Dahlia.” She shrugged, realizing how little of her time she spent on her own life, on her own emotions. Was that normal? She wasn't sure, but it seemed natural to her. Then she laughed, her crimson eyes shining at Liliana, remembering how much time she had spent fixing up her home, finding plants to bring in for the winter. That had all been for her, but it had been while ago she nearly forgot. “I made a greenhouse my home. Would you like to see it?”

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