almost but not quite.
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SSWM: 216.

Interrupting? Surely. But it was very nearly a welcome interruption from the flow of her thoughts. They were deep enough to drown in, and she would rather not. Thinking had grown to be a tiring activity in the time it had taken for this male to approach and address her, and she looked up at him, her eyes shining with the light of the dying sun. She was quiet at first, taking him in - appearance, scent, demeanor. She analyzed others, figured them out, and she was not yet clear on what to make of this male visitor. His scent was not of her pack, but neither was his demeanor hostile. Fair enough.

She dipped her head to him politely, acknowledging his presence, but yet unsure as to the appropriate response. After a long moment, she blinked slowly, lifted her head, and spoke softly yet clearly. "Good evening, sir. Ventured far for this pleasure?" Her smile was soft around the edges, not quite enough to be a smile, but rather a pleased turning up of the lips. She was cautious, wary, but not unfriendly. She was scarcely, if ever, unfriendly to someone who had done her no harm. However, she was hyper-aware of every movement he made, her eyes scanning him for any sign of danger.


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