[M] this is a gift [p]

I think we’re done! Big Grin <3 I guess just let Ouija let ezra go, or have Ouija lose interest and leave? :p words: 356

Ezra just got sick listening to the other male speak. He was clearly messed up in the head, and any logical argument Ezra could throw at him wouldn’t ever make the stranger in front of him change. He didn’t know why he cared so much, but the thought of a maniacal soul like this one near his family and friends horrified him. He would probably always be like this, converting other creatures unwillingly and enjoying every second of it.

But now, the pain was getting horrible. Adrenaline had kicked in the moment Ezra first lunged for a bite, and now it was starting to fade a little and the boy realized how badly he had been beaten. The stranger kept striking, ripping his shoulder open and making Ezra snarl in pain. It made his right arm useless. Ezra felt another contact beside his head, which made him see red again and slash violently with his good arm. Ezra knew the other male had been talking, but he had simply shut off his ears and every other sense he didn’t need any more. All he cared about was ripping this stranger to pieces with what remaining strength he had left.

The blood was flowing out. His entire body was aching, but Ezra still wanted to fight. He kept slashing out, trying blindly to damage the other one as much as possible. But it was getting harder and harder to focus or feel anything, all he could think about was his bloodied and battered shoulder that started leaking blood down his leg. All he wanted was to escape and kill this motherfucker if he ever saw him again.

At one last ditch attempt to hurt his attacker, Ezra lunged forward to try and bite anything that made contact with his teeth. That was, however, before Ezra started fading. The loss of blood made him unable to stay conscious. He was flickering in and out. It was getting harder and harder to focus on the stranger in front of him. “Just let me go,” Ezra said, defeated. “Are you happy now?” He snarled, before it was lights out completely.

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Table by Fae! <333

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