Ookami needs Showing Around.

ooc- haha I know right?

He laughed at her joke and kept a happy smile on his face as she explained why these horses would let them get so close. He thought about the horses he had seen, they weren't nearly as sleek and shiny as the horses he saw here. They had been scruffy and dull. He watched in aw as the horses moved around, muscles rippling and coat shining in the sun, much like his own coat. His heart kept at a chance to get closer to them. "Okay." He followed her excitedly down the path and watched as she opened the door. He cocked his head an wondered how she did this, definatley something he would have to learn.

He looked around the inside of the barn as he stepped inside. He smiled at her and listened carefully to what she was saying. He chuckled at her attempt to name the tool. He followed her slowly, tail wagging, head turning side to side looking at every corner and spot in the room. He walked outside with her and watched as the horse came up. He cocked his head and looked up at the beautiful, graceful animal. He was surprised that he actually came to Adonia. He knew they could get close to them but didn't expect them to come to wolves. He followed her around the horse, duking his head at the animal.

He smiled when she looked back towards him and could almost read her mind. He didn't mind that the original path had been ventured from because he enjoyed listening to her stories and seeing horses upclose. "It sounds like a lot of work." He looked at Adonia, admiring her personality and maybe thinking that in the future they could become something more. He didn't exactly focus on that thought for a while, he liked to stick to the present and not ahead. They were friends for now and that is more than he could have hoped for.

ooc- sorry I know it's kinda short, I have a really bad headache:/

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