M. you belong to me, my snow white queen. [p]
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The idea behind the alcohol is something like absinthe, for reference. SSWM: 583.

Her slip into the customs of her old pack only appeared to bother her queen momentarily, and they both recovered quickly and settled down. Once Naniko had taken a seat, Fiachra moved to the crate at the other side of her small den, nearest her makeshift bed, and pulled out two glasses and a bottle of the brew that she had concocted. It was strong and vaguely greenish, and the fragrance was somewhat harsh when the bottle was uncorked. Her uncle had taught this brew to her, and she had improved upon it slightly since then. Her secret was that she added the honey while it was still distilling, rather than as an afterthought. The sweetness soaked in and turned the green perhaps a little more of a greenish golden tone, but the flavour was much improved, and Fiachra enjoyed the taste immensely. She was not an alcoholic, but.. damn near.

In reply to the white queen's inquiries, she spoke kindly, honestly, and yet carefully, maintaining a healthy level of respect between them. "No, ma'am, I was only daydreaming. It is an honour to have your presence here." She couldn't help but to smile. It was beyond an honour, simply bliss. But she could not speak those words, or even think those thoughts. Instead, she backtracked to another comment made by her queen, and replied to it. "Our customs were very specific. I am trying to learn yours - and now, mine - to replace them." It was true; she wanted to fit in here. She wanted to be a part of things. She knew that it would take time, but she longed to skip the learning phase and jump right into being one of them, one of these people with whom she lived, whom she called packmates. Soon enough, her wish would be reality. She would be one of them.

She brought the bottle and glasses to the table and laid them down gently. As she uncorked the bottle to serve them, she answered more questions. "I am not sure what this is called. It is a liquor.. my uncle called it la fée verte. He said it means 'the green fairy,' although I'm not clear on why, except that the original brew is green - mine is a little more golden, but it tastes better this way. My local legend has it that this recipe was passed down for a very long time before us." She poured slowly, carefully, gentle with the highly potent drink - if she spilt it, her room would never cease to smell like alcohol, and she did not wish for that.

She corked the bottle, setting it to the far side of the small table, so that it would not be knocked over, and set the first-poured glass in front of Naniko. "Here you are, ma'am. I do hope you will enjoy it." She realized then that she had been asked yet another question, and hastened to answer it quickly. "I am adjusting well, thank you. It is cozy here.. I have been making myself at home. I hope that it's okay..." Her anxiety was clear in her voice, and she longed to drink, but knew that it would be highly impolite and disrespectful to do so. Instead, she lifted her glass slightly and said in a quiet, mildly shaky toast, "To your health, my lady. May you persevere through any tribulation laid to your path, and may they be few and far between."


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