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A few months ago, when Phoenix had come down with a bad case of pneumonia, she had gone over to Storm to help him. She'd had to make the medicine there, grinding up garlic cloves and a few other ingredients to make a paste that would help him breathe better. After that she'd given the wolves there, mainly Pilot and Dierdre, an explanation of how to care for the alpha. They'd been without an apothecary, and things in Clouded Tears had been going well enough that she could leave the lands to go and check up on Phoenix nearly every day.

But that was the last time that she had seen him. Naniko had stayed connected with that side of the family, adopting Phoenix's children into her ever-growing "family". If Naniko had followed Iskata when she had moved to Storm, she might have ended up being an older sister to them. Kansas she'd often romped around with, trying to teach the young wolf skills that he could use later in life. She had started teaching him how to read and write before the fires had taken them apart...and he had helped her out of a sticky situation before, with a badger.

She hadn't seen any of them since the fire, though, so she wasn't sure. The only one she had seen from that pack was Dierdre and her mate Pilot, but she had lost Dierdre soon after seeing her. That had been right during the fire, too, so she hadn't had a chance to ask if Phoenix had made it out.

Naniko continued down the path, her tail flicking from side to side lazily. She had been wondering about what kinds of prey these lands might have, whether there'd be anything good to eat. As she walked, though, she began to feel something...a strange sensation. Like somebody was watching her. The jade-eyed wolf looked around, but it was sort of dark...she couldn't see much. She stopped, turning and looking into the darkness. Whoever it was, if they were going to try and start something with her...(and she thought that they were, since they hadn't shown themselves yet...) then she would leave. She didn't want to fight. "Hello? Show yourself."


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