M. you belong to me, my snow white queen. [p]
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wc: 445

"Daydreaming, eh? I don't sleep too well at night and pretty much sleep wherever and whenever." Sometimes it was in her den, sometimes beneath a tree or atop a nice warm, black rock. Those were always so cozy. Occasionally she would lay down at night and be able to sleep, but lately her insomnia had been getting the best of her. She dismissed the girl's second set of words with a shake of her head; she had been meaning to see how Fiachra was settling in, and it was no skin off her back to come in for a nice drink.

She had lived in many places and knew what it was like to have to try and adjust to a new one. The first few weeks were often difficult as she fought to figure out her place in the pack and as she met pack members and figured out names and relationships. There was an entire social network within a pack, and it could be daunting to break into that as a new wolf from a far away place. She had founded this pack and felt very much in-place here amongst family and friends. Her sister Pontiac had just returned a few days prior, a pleasant surprise indeed. "I don't know if losing everything from your past is such a good idea--maybe some of the bad things, but it's the little things that make a wolf unique."

The bottle of alcohol was set up on the table and uncorked. Its smell burned her nose as she inhaled, a fact that intrigued her; not many alcohols made her nostrils go aflame these days. It had to be pretty strong stuff. "I've never smelled anything quite like it...interesting. So yours would be the 'Golden Fairy'." She accepted the toast and raised her glass, clinking it together with Fiachra's. Naniko was eager to taste what her packmate had brewed, eager for the new experience. Her life had been too much of a routine lately...perhaps that was why this small break from reality was so readily awaited by the Angela.

Her throat burned as the stuff went down, but it wasn't anything that she wasn't used to. She took a little at a time after her first taste, sips in between words of conversation. The tall white wolf stood up so that she might unhook her weapons belt after her first few sips of the brew, setting it on the table next to her. If she was going to be drinking then she didn't want to have her daggers anywhere near her. "My daggers are tipped in poison; don't want to accidentally get myself with them" She explained.

Table by Jenny!

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