celebrate the world

I had muse for this one so decided to reply a bit early. <33 Yay for horsietalk! I forgot about that part. xD First time with her actually speaking Low Speech; I hope I did it alright. SSWM: 774

Sage was enjoying the warmth of the fire, contentedly taking leisurely puffs of the joint between her fingers. It was a beautiful afternoon, and perfectly suited for lazing around, watching the sky as it grew to match the colors of the flames. The young Lykoi girl sighed peacefully; this was truly the atmosphere she belonged it. At one with nature, in harmony with it's beauty; not disturbing or harming it. The girl wished that more people could enjoy such simple pleasures.

A hazy smile washed over her face as she sat, thinking to herself of nothing in particular, aside from the possible location of her two sisters, China and Clover. Sage and China lived together, and therefore almost always knew the location of the other one. Sage was relatively sure that China was just as content doing her own thing for a while as Sage was, and hoped that this was true. She did not want her sister to be worried, of that she was certain. And Clover-- Sage was so happy to see Clover again, to be able to visit her whenever she wanted. It was such a wonderful relief, to have both of her sisters in Inferni, with her. If only Micah would join them; though their brother wasn't exactly like them. In fact, he was a bit strange, to Sage. Micah chose not to embrace the worship of Mother Earth, and instead chose to stick to strict logic for his decisions. While Sage did not necessarily dismiss him for this, she felt he might be happier if he observed nature's beauty, life's simplicity and the lack of need for evil in the world.

With another hefty, quaint sigh the girl focused her thoughts on more pleasant things. Presently, she heard some noise nearby; the crackling of weather-dried leaves and twigs beneath the feet of someone, or something-- or perhaps both. The sound seemed to be two-fold; one was lighter, probably weighing less, and the other seemed to be quiet heavy, maybe even four-legged. The girl tried to pick up a scent, but the breeze was heading away from her. Nonetheless, she was not afraid, and waited quietly, her large ears fixed in the direction of the noise's origin.

Rewarding her patience, a single, oddly-shaped form soon appeared behind the trees, and Sage's yellow eyes squinted to make out it's shape. It seemed as though it was some species of canine, atop an equine, and immediately she was excited. It had been quite some time since she'd been in the presence of a horse, or any equine creature, and she would be interested to be able to speak with them. The figure riding on the horse was, of course, of interest as well. Sage needed more friends, after all. She always needed(wanted) more friends.

The girl that had been riding dismounted as they entered the clearing together, and Sage smiled appreciatively at the companionship between the two. The young girl stuck the joint between her lips again and puffed as the woman approached. Sage's yellow eyes greeted her happily even before she spoke, and quickly met the horse's eyes, as well.

"Good Evening, I hope I’m not interrupting. You remind me of someone and I really must figure it out." came the words of the woman.

"Oh, no, love! No trouble at all." she grinned happily, welcoming the pretty woman into the circle, pleased to share the warmth of the fire and diminishing sunlight with even just these two other beings. "My name is Sage River Lykoi, if that helps you at all!" she added, her soft and dreamy voice rising slightly in excitement at having company.

Sage noticed the glance the lovely dark brown and creme woman gave to the substance between her fingers, and she grinned. The girl took one more puff of the thing and nodded, offerering it out to the woman as she introduced herself. There would never be a reason not to share.

"My name is Liliana by the way." the dark girl added.

"A pleasure to meet you Lili, if I may call you that." Sage said with a warm, lovely smile.

She glanced over to the horse and stood slowly, watching the large creature with wonder. She did not yet know her name, but she was a pretty girl; her colors were simple yet elegant-- chestnust and lovely creme-- and Sage longed to touch that sleek coat.

"Hello there, pretty. Nice day for a jaunt, hmm? How does the afternoon find you?" Sage cooed to the equine in Low Speech, her voice pleasant and friendly as always.

"What a beautiful companion you have there, Lili. Does she have a name?" the Lykoi girl asked, curious.

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